29th May 2019News
Narita Bahra QC and John Carl Townsend expose fundamental disclosure failings which results in the collapse of a major carbon credits and diamond prosecution. This was a prosecution brought against 8 defendants for an alleged fraud involving the sale of carbon credits for the purposes of investment. The defendants asserted that they believed that there […]
29th May 2019News
Welcome to the 2 Hare Court Professional Discipline summer newsletter. In coronial proceedings, I look at the Court of Appeal’s judgment in Maughan, which has confirmed the appropriate standard of proof for suicides. Alexandra Tampakopoulos considers the recent decision of Maguire, and the scope of Article 2. As for the MPTS, Ben Rich reflects on […]
29th May 2019News
Mark Graffius and Nikita McNeill defended the director of Golden Harvest, a wholesale alcohol supplier who was alleged to have acted as a “buffer company” in order to facilitate a complex MTIC fraud involving 13 defendants. The prosecution followed a large scale HMRC investigation, including covert surveillance and concealed cameras installed within the organisation’s “hub”. […]
24th May 2019News
Sallie Bennett-Jenkins QC began the inquest into the murders of Christine and Lucy Lee at Surrey Coroners Court yesterday. The mother and daughter were shot and killed by 82 year old John Lowe at his puppy farm in Farnham in 2014. Lowe was convicted of murder in 2014, jailed for life with a minimum of […]
22nd May 2019News
Following an investigation by the National Crime Agency (NCA) into breaches of the Syria Sanctions – the niece of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad – 22 year old Aniseh Chawkat (AC), has forfeited funds held in her UK Barclays bank account. AC has been residing in London since 2014 when she was granted a student visa […]