25th May 2018News
All right thinking practitioners who work in the field of private prosecutions will welcome this important decision which reaffirms (as if reaffirmation was needed) the duty of candour upon all prosecutors, public and private, when applying ex parte for a summons. On 23 May 2018 the Division Court (Gross LJ and Sweeney J) gave judgment […]
25th May 2018News
Naeem Mian QC is representing Mr Husnain Rashid, charged with six terrorism offences including; preparing to carry out offences of terrorism in Syria, assisting others to commit acts of terrorism and encouraging others to commit acts of terrorism on the UK mainland. Rashid is accused of calling for Prince George to be targeted at Thomas’s […]
15th May 2018News
Lurking within the Companies Act 2006 are a number of strict liability offences, which are coupled with ‘reverse burden’ statutory defences (ie. those which require a director to prove the defence in question). In the event of prosecutions under these provisions, there are two interesting questions for defence practitioners to consider, namely (a) the extent […]
15th May 2018News
Joshua Carey appeared for HMRC before the Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) (“UT”) in the matter of Christine Perrin -v- The Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs [2018] UKUT 0128 (TCC). The decision was released today. This case marks the first opportunity the Upper Tribunal has had to consider the test for “reasonable excuse”. […]
11th May 2018News
Zubair Ahmad was a Special Advocate in the private law claim and Judicial Review in the Belhaj litigation The UK government has apologised to Libyan dissident Abdul Hakim Belhaj and his wife Fatima Boudchar after its actions contributed to their detention, transfer to Libya and his torture by Colonel Gaddafi’s forces in 2004. It is […]