A mini-pupillage provides an excellent opportunity to make an informed decision about whether a career as a barrister is something you would wish to pursue and about the particular areas of work that may interest you. We do not expect you to have completed a mini-pupillage with Chambers if you later apply for pupillage.
Our mini-pupils are offered the opportunity to attend court or other hearings, to work on legal research in Chambers, to attend conferences and to discuss their prospective route to the Bar. We expect that mini-pupils will attend for the whole week and will ask mini-pupils to sign a confidentiality undertaking before starting.There are no interviews for mini-pupillage and no formally assessment. Mini-pupils have to be at least eighteen years old at the time of commencing a mini-pupillage.
We are committed to promoting access to the profession and opportunities for those who have historically been underrepresented at the Bar. We therefore encourage and particularly welcome applications from women, people of minority ethnic origin, people with disabilities, those who are LGBTQI+, and those who were or are state school educated.
We ordinarily offer mini-pupillages lasting one week (five days) four times a year in February, April, July and October with two places per session.
If you would like to apply for a mini-pupillage, please fill out the form here and send it by email to minipupillage2@2harecourt.com. Please include the month you wish to apply for in the subject of your email. Please do not send CV’s or covering letters.Please note the following application timetable:
All 2 Hare Court mini-pupillages are funded. Selected mini-pupils will receive sufficient funds to pay for a 1 week Zones 1-6 Travelcard and £20 per day subsistence.
Chambers have joined Inner Temple’s Pegasus Access and Support Scheme (PASS). We are partnered with a number of other outreach organisations to drive diversity at the Bar.
For more information please contact the clerks on +44 (0)20 7353 5324 or email clerks@2harecourt.com for help.
We will guide you through our simple and transparent process and get the right representation for your matter.