14th Jun 2018Newsletters
In February the Court of Appeal handed down its judgment in the case of Lee v General Medical Council [2018] EWCA Civ 99. Susan Lee was a registered medical practitioner in Singapore and the United Kingdom. Proceedings were brought against her in Singapore for charging excessive fees. In July 2012 she was found guilty of […]
14th Jun 2018Newsletters
Introduction On 26th April 2018, the Administrative Court handed down judgment in Vay Sui Ip v Solicitors Regulation Authority [2018] EWHC 957 (Admin). The Administrative Court refused Mr Ip’s appeal against the SRA’s orders for strike off and costs (£10,000) for, essentially, ‘gaming the system’ in immigration proceedings, and for making ‘totally without merit’ applications. […]
14th Jun 2018Newsletters
Dr Arunachalam appealed against his erasure by a Medical Practitioners’ Tribunal for sexually motivated misconduct against two colleagues. One, Dr A, was pestered by over-familiar messages from the Registrant which she ascribed to a deluded belief on his part that there was more than a professional relationship between them. She initially tried to deal with […]
14th Jun 2018Newsletters
It is not an uncommon position for a regulatory panel to make findings of fact which may adversely impact on a third party who is not a member of that profession. In criticising a doctor for his clinical failings, it may be inevitable that those same findings implicitly criticise other healthcare professionals or organisations and […]
14th Jun 2018Newsletters
Professional discipline proceedings very often raise the question: on what evidence can a tribunal infer that a particular omission was made. Allegations are often pleaded in the alternative, in the broad format, “did not do”/“did not record”. Very often the failure to do something is proved by the evidence of a patient, or perhaps by […]