30th May 2019Newsletters
2019 has seen the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) taking an increasingly assertive approach towards the regulation of solicitors and the protection of consumers of legal services. A New Enforcement Strategy On 7 February 2019, the SRA announced a new Enforcement Strategy to ‘focus on serious issues’ and confirmed that action will be taken against solicitors […]
30th May 2019Newsletters
After Wingate v SRA [2018] EWCA Civ 366 it was thought that Lord Justice Jackson had brought some clarity to the meaning of ‘lacking integrity’. Whilst the definition remained wide, it was clarified as different from, and involving adherence to a higher standard than, dishonesty: “Integrity connotes adherence to the ethical standards of one’s own […]
30th May 2019Newsletters
Dr Sastry faced allegations relating to his treatment of Patient A when he was working as a Consultant Medical Oncologist in Mumbai. The issue arose whether his conduct should be judged according to the standards of professional conduct that the GMC were entitled to expect in the UK or instead by reference to local standards […]
30th May 2019Newsletters
Everyone who practises in professional discipline faces the problem of how a registrant can demonstrate insight, when he or she has denied the charges. This is difficult enough at a substantive hearing; on a review, when the registrant has had time to reflect and remediate, it can seem impossible. The High Court has tried to […]
30th May 2019Newsletters
The Applicability of Parkinson in a DOLS case Introduction In this Judicial Review the High Court considered the decision of R (Parkinson) v Kent Senior Coroner [2018] EWHC 1501 (Admin), [2018] 4 WLR 106 in a case where the deceased was subject to DOLS under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and died whilst a patient […]