Training & Knowledge: April 2019

17th Apr 2019Newsletters

The Sentencing Council’s impact assessment shows an increase in fines imposed on individuals and organisations of all sizes following the introduction the Definitive Guideline on Sentencing on Health and Safety Offences, Corporate Manslaughter and Food Safety & Hygiene Offences

3 years after it came into force the sentencing Council has published a report assessing the impact of the introduction of the Definitive Guideline for sentencing Health and Safety Offences, Corporate Manslaughter and Food Safety & Hygiene Offences. Using data from the Ministry of Justices’ Court Proceedings Database, they have analysed sentences handed down in […]

17th Apr 2019Newsletters

Faltec Europe Ltd v Health and Safety Executive [2019] EWCA Crim 520

Faltec is a car part manufacturer, employing around 550 people, and located in a well-populated urban area. On 3 April 2017 Faltec was sentenced in respect of three offences under ss.2, ss.3 and 33(1)(a) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to a total fine of £1.6 million. A Legionnaires’ disease outbreak gave […]

16th Apr 2019Articles

Government Consultation on Legal Aid for Families at Inquests

Introduction  The availability of legal aid for bereaved families in inquests is a hotly debated topic that has been the subject of many reviews[1]. This debate led to the Government conducting a review of the current position, which was published in February 2019. The full report can be accessed here. To address concerns as to […]

8th Apr 2019Articles

Andrew Left v Securities & Futures Commission & Market Misconduct Tribunal

A Tale of Expansive Interpretation & Criminal Law in Financial Market Misconduct[1] Summary In Andrew Left v Securities & Futures Commission & Market Misconduct Tribunal [2019] HKCA 224[2], the Hong Kong Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal by Mr Andrew Left against the determination of the Market Misconduct Tribunal (“MMT”) on points of law under […]