Michael Rawlinson

Michael Rawlinson

"A very good barrister who is able to think on his feet and react well to opposing arguments. His submissions are clear and persuasive. Very client-friendly and approachable."

Chambers UK 2024
Year of call: 2002
For enquiries please call: 020 7353 5324 or email vcard cv linkedin save

Criminal Regulatory

Michael has acted in a wide range of criminal regulatory matters relating to breaches of health & safety legislation and prosecutions under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, as well as food safety, fire safety, animal welfare and trademark/copyright legislation.

Michael routinely appears in inquests arising from deaths in the workplace that have a health and safety dimension to them. He also has experience of CQC regulatory prosecutions, and prosecutions under the Health & Social Care Act 2008 brought against residential and care homes in the healthcare field.

From 2007 onwards Michael was a member of the Attorney General’s Approved List of Prosecution Counsel, and undertook a variety of regulatory prosecutions on behalf of a various Government agencies including the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills, the Food Standards Agency, the Environment Agency/DEFRA, the Inland Revenue, HMRC, RCPO and the DWP.

Recent Cases:

HSE v SE Care Home

Currently representing a care home prosecuted under the HSWA following a serious injury to a care assistant sustained due to a faulty lift mechanism.

Hull City Council v PK & DK & BL Ltd.

Successfully defended a national jewellery business and two Directors who faced trademarking and consumer protection offences for selling non-hallmarked jewellery.

Inquest touching the death of PS

Represented a Supervisor, who was separately represented form the company, at a highly contentious inquest following the death of an employee crushed in a carpet rolling machine.

HSE v P&V Steel Ltd

Defended a Sheffield based multinational steel company prosecuted by HSE following catastrophic injuries sustained by a steel worker after a mechanism carrying a two-ton steel tube collapsed.

DM v North Hertfordshire Disctrict Council

Successfully appealed a Noise Abatement Notice on behalf of a commercial premises based in North Hertfordshire.

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