Grace Forbes

Grace Forbes

"Grace is the most talented and committed young junior around. She is unquestionably a rising star. She has acute tactical judgement and an intensive, forensic focus. Grace’s total mastery of voluminous and complex papers is amazing."

Legal 500 UK 2024
Year of call: 2015
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Private Prosecution

Grace is experienced in private prosecutions.

She has been sought after to advise individuals and entities at the early stages of private prosecutions, and to represent them at trial and in sentence hearings.

She is a member of the Private Prosecutors’ Association and in 2020 she contributed to the Consultation on Revisions to the Attorney General’s Guidelines on Disclosure and the CPIA Code of Practice as a member of the Private Prosecutors’ Association Working Group.

She has recently written an article on the hurdles and opportunities faced by private prosecutors in relation to investigatory powers.

Notable Cases:

B v B and Others (2019)

Grace was recently led by a QC and a junior to advise an individual on the prospects of bringing a private prosecution against a government official. The case involved allegations of perjury and perverting the course of justice. The case required an extensive review of over one hundred files of evidence, careful consideration of potential avenues for obtaining further evidence and a detailed written advice on the prospects of success.

Royal Mail Group Ltd (2018 2022)

Grace has been instructed by the Royal Mail Group in numerous private prosecution cases, including those involving allegations of fraud and other serious dishonesty. She has advised in relation to charging decisions and has been instructed in private prosecutions at trial and at sentence.

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