News Business Crime & Financial Services 24th Jun 2021

The Times | Lawyer of the week: Kate Blackwell QC

Kate Blackwell QC was recently interviewed by The Times and named Lawyer of the Week.

Kate has been Counsel to the Daniel Morgan Inquiry Panel for the last 8 years during which there has been forensic scrutiny of the numerous investigations and operations surrounding the murder of Daniel Morgan. The time taken by the Panel to complete its investigations was the result of delays and difficulties caused by the Metropolitan Police. There was an additional delay caused by the last minute, unexpected and unnecessary demand by the Home Secretary to review the report before its publication. The report, without redactions, can be found here.

During Kate’s interview, she was asked questions such as “What were the biggest hurdles you had to overcome in this Inquiry?“, “What is the best decision you have taken as a lawyer?” and “What law would you enact?“.

To read the full Q&A interview please follow the link below.

The Times | Lawyer of the week

Kate Blackwell QC


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