Training & Knowledge: Sallie Bennett-Jenkins KC

2nd Nov 2020Blog

A note of caution for sports agents, introducers and intermediaries: beware the implied “effective cause” term

The recent decision of the High Court in Winlink Marketing Limited v Liverpool Football Club [2020] EWHC 2271 may have long lasting consequences for agents and intermediaries in facilitating and introducing parties to high-value sponsorship deals. In a judgment handed down on 14 September 2020, HHJ Pelling QC dismissed Winlink’s claim for £1.125m in commission […]

19th Feb 2016Articles

Is this the end of policy driven decisions?

Yesterday saw the long awaited judgment in the case of R v Jogee; Ruddock v The Queen handed down. Its effect has provoked widespread commentary in all forms of media; for this is the one pronouncement of the Supreme Court that will most directly affect criminal trials which more and more commonly involve multiple defendants […]