Training & Knowledge: Christopher Geering

5th Apr 2024Newsletters

What is a mistake of fact?

DBS v RI [2024] EWCA Civ 95 Inclusion on the barred list(s) may be appealed to the Upper Tribunal if there has been a mistake of law or fact. But just what constitutes a mistake of fact has proved a thorny problem. In particular, to what extent may the Upper Tribunal simply disagree with the […]

5th Apr 2024Newsletters

Why should we not believe her?

Kihembo v DBS [2023] EWCA Civ 1547 Why would they lie? We are all familiar with the oft-repeated refrain of prosecuting counsel – all too often adopted by the tribunal in question. In effect, it would seem it is for the registrant to provide a motive for a false allegation, or an explanation for a […]

6th Jan 2023Newsflash

Hexpress Healthcare Ltd v CQC [2022] EWHC 2943 (Admin) – Is 0.01% a fair sample?

Many healthcare providers will be all too aware of how difficult it can be to obtain an interim injunction against the CQC. Hexpress Healthcare will present few surprises in this regard. However, two points of interest emerge. The court reconsiders the CQC’s procedure for considering factual accuracy comments (“FAC”) from a provider prior to publication. […]

4th Jan 2023Newsflash

An Application by Patricia Downey For Judicial Review [2022] NICA 67, 2022 WL 17340800

If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then the coroner has demonstrated apparent bias. As the court touched on in Morahan, Article 2 and legal aid have a somewhat uncomfortable relationship. The need to secure funding encourages protracted and disproportionate struggles to demonstrate Article 2 is engaged. More unusually, in […]