2 Hare Court | London Barristers Chambers - One of the UK's leading sets

Insider Dealing – A Tightening of the Noose

It is frequently asserted that Hong Kong has one of the most robustly regulated financial…

Successfully Resisting an Interim Order Extension

Chris Gillespie looks at issues arising from applications to extend interim orders in circumstances where…

R (SSP Health Ltd) v Care Quality Commission

In R (SSP Health Ltd) v Care Quality Commission [2016] EWHC 2086 (Admin) the Care…

Post-Montgomery Consent Guidance for Surgeons – Information Must be Tailored to the Needs of the Individual Patient

 Following the Supreme Court ruling of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11 the…

Responding to a Tragedy

The recent inquest into the tragic death of Ivy Atkin provides a useful summary of…

Squier v GMC

In the recent case of Squier v GMC, [2016] EWHC 2739 (Admin) the decision of…

Hindmarch v NMC

As the court noted in Hindmarch v NMC [2016] EWHC 2233 (Admin) to a patient…

Data Protection and Regulation

In DB v GMC [2016] EWHC 2331 (QB) the High Court addresses the problem of…

 Control of Premises, Section 4 HSWA

During the course of 2016 members of chambers have been instructed to represent the freehold…

Credit For Guilty Plea: An Update

Next year could see an end to maximum credit for many defendants pleading guilty. The…

Setting Fines in Uncertain Times: The Corporate Identity Crisis

When imposing a fine, the court must take into account the means of the offender…

R v Johnson and Others – Joint Enterprise After Jogee

R v Jogee [2016] UKSC 8 created the possibility of a large number of appeals…

Strengthening Tax Avoidance Sanctions and Deterrents

The deadline of 12 October 2016 for responses to HMRC’s consultation document “Strengthening Tax Avoidance…

Are deferred prosecution agreements company friends or foe?

A Deferred Prosecution Agreement (DPA) is an agreement reached between a SFO or CPS prosecutor…

Political Corruption in the Turks & Caicos Islands and Legal Professional Privilege in Office

The political corruption trial of the former Premier and Government Ministers of the Turks and…

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