Peter Wright KC

Peter Wright KC

"A class act and an outstanding tactician."

Chambers UK 2024
Year of call: 1981 KC: 1999
For enquiries please call: 020 7353 5324 or email vcard cv save

Public Prosecution


R v Ali & Others

Terrorist plot to blow up transatlantic flights from Heathrow, known as the “liquid bomb” plot.

R v Morley, Chaytor, MacShane & Others

Prosecution of M.P’s for fraudulent claims in respect of M.P’s expenses.

R v Peter Sutcliffe (Coonan)

Represented Prosecution on Appeal by Yorkshire Ripper against Whole Life Tariff imposed for serial murder of thirteen women in 970’s and 80’s.

R v Shipman

General Practitioner charged with serial murder; fifteen whole life terms imposed.

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