Criminal Regulatory
In health and safety work he has significant experience in corporate manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter.
- He has applied the skills demanded by his criminal work to health and safety litigation with ease. In so doing he has combined his tactical finesse and quick thinking with an ability to review and assess the significance of large amounts of complex material.
- He has successfully prosecuted several high profile corporate manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter cases.
- He has advised and represented companies in all areas of health and safety litigation, successfully overturning charging decisions and securing the dismissal of cases at pre-trial hearings.
- He has provided training to solicitors and companies alike on health and safety and has written numerous articles.
Current Instructions:
Condor Ferries – Op Nectar
Oliver is instructed to advise the AG of Jersey in connection with the investigation and potential prosecution in respect of the Condor Ferry disaster which saw a fishing trawler involved in a collision with a cargo ferry and which resulted in the sinking of the trawler and the loss of all lives.
Island Energy (Jersey) – Op Spire
Oliver is instructed to advise the AG of Jersey in connection with the investigation and potential prosecution in respect of the gas explosion in St. Helier which resulted in an explosion in a block of flats that left ten of the residents dead and the building completely destroyed.
Recent Instructions:
R. v. Geo & Primecare
Oliver was instructed to review the intended prosecution of the international management company and healthcare providor at an immigration detention centre where a detainee had died after being kept in abhorrent conditions.
Following an extensive evaluation of the available evidence and the competing duties it was determined (despite a previous public indication to the contrary) that there was insufficient evidence to continue with the case.
Oliver further advised the CPS following the outcome of the inquest and what impact the evidence called before the coroner might have, if any, upon the conclusions already reached.
R v. Aster Healthcare Ltd
The care home, its manager and various staff members were prosecuted for the death of an elderly resident who was placed in a bath of scalding water.
The defendants were convicted of Corporate Manslaughter and health and safety offences, and the company was fined over £1M.
Smart Motorways
Oliver was instructed to advise the Department for Transport and the government in connection with a large number of fatalities on sections of the MI and other smart motorways. The police and HSE are currently investigating the deaths and there are linked JR proceedings challenging the validity of the strategic road network policy.
“An extraordinary talent and a man who knows his job inside out” – Chambers UK