Oliver Glasgow KC

Oliver Glasgow KC

"Oliver is First Senior Treasury Counsel. He is a class act. His memory is phenomenal, his command of facts is second to none, he is a first class lawyer and advocate. Forceful, direct and devastating. An opponent to be feared in court but a gent outside. Oliver is at the very top of his game."

Legal 500 UK
Year of call: 1995 KC: 2016
For enquiries please call: 020 7353 5324 or email vcard cv save

Oliver was appointed First Senior Treasury Counsel in 2021 and is on the Attorney-General’s list of approved counsel. He has a reputation for detailed preparation, exceptional advocacy and is “an especially good cross-examiner”. He is recommended as one of the star individuals in the Chambers UK Guide and one of the leading silks in the Legal 500.

He divides his practice between working at the highest level in the criminal sphere; appearing in public inquiries and inquests where the government, the military or the security services are often involved; and specialising in complicated and serious quasi-criminal and regulatory work.

  • He appears on behalf of the major prosecuting authorities in high profile trials of the utmost gravity and his work has won the plaudits of judges and opponents alike who have described him as “a different class from most”.
  • He advises and acts for the government and government agencies in inquiries and inquests engaging national security interests where his advocacy skills have marked him out as “something special”.
  • He represents agencies, companies and individuals in regulatory and health and safety investigations and proceedings, where his tactical acumen has seen him recognised as “commercial, hard-working and very approachable”.

Winner of the Crime and Extradition Silk of the Year at The Legal 500 UK Bar Awards 2022.

Winner of the Crime Silk of the Year at Chambers UK Bar Awards 2023.

Oliver accepts Direct Access instructions.

What others say:

“His reputation is well-deserved. He is like a thoroughbred racehorse: he gives 100% to everything he does and he wins.” – Chambers UK 2024

“Olly’s brilliant. He’s very polished and juries and judges love him. He’s the full package as it were of ability and approachability.” and “He’s got it all really. He’s brilliantly clever and a really persuasive advocate.” – Chambers UK 2024

“Oli is a superb forensic advocate. His work ethic is incredible and his enthusiasm is infectious. His case analysis and written work is of the highest standard and he is also incredibly down to earth.” – Legal 500 UK 2024

“An exceptional lawyer in a different class from most. His approachability, knowledge of his subject and general demeanour make him a pleasure. He inspires those he interacts with both professionally and personally.” – Chambers UK 2023

“Oliver is a first-class lawyer, who rightly deserves his appointment as First Senior Treasury Counsel. His work is always meticulously prepared, and his presence in court commanding.” – Legal 500 UK 2023

“Extremely tenacious, hard-working and a perfect gentleman.” and “An extraordinary talent and a man who knows his job inside out.” – Chambers UK 2022

“Oliver is First Senior Treasury Counsel. He is a class act. His memory is phenomenal, his command of facts is second to none, he is a first class lawyer and advocate. Forceful, direct and devastating. An opponent to be feared in court but a gent outside. Oliver is at the very top of his game.” – Legal 500 UK 2022

“Polished and highly intelligent, he is simply one of the best prosecutors around. Master of his brief and a deadly cross-examiner. Mr Glasgow is very approachable, decisive and always dealt with the cases to the highest standard. He’s an excellent advocate, concentrates on the issues in the case and engages well with other court users.” – Legal 500 UK 2021

“A class act” and “an incredibly courageous advocate.” – Chambers UK 2021

“An immaculate prosecutor.” “His work rate is phenomenal. He turns papers around in an amazingly speedy way – he’s excellent.” Chambers UK 2020

“An effective advocate and a formidable opponent.” – Legal 500 2020

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