Leon Kazakos KC

Leon Kazakos KC

“He is absolutely brilliant”

Chambers UK 2024 (Financial Crime)
Year of call: 1999 KC: 2020
For enquiries please call: 020 7353 5324 or email vcard cv linkedin save

Private Prosecution

Graded at Grade 3 by the Crown Prosecution Service and with experience of prosecuting a wide variety of cases Leon Kazakos also advises on the bringing of private prosecutions in cases where the CPS have declined to prosecute.

Recent Instructions:

Re: J

Advice on the bringing of a private prosecution of a then serving cabinet minister for expenses fraud.

Re: G

Advice on the bringing of a private prosecution for a suspected fraud perpetrated by an insurance company against a contracting supplier.

Re: C

Advice on the bringing of a private prosecution of an insolvency practitioner (Administrator) for fraud in the conduct of a company’s affairs.

Re: M

Advice to the defendant in civil proceedings about the bringing of a private prosecution for perjury.

Re: D

Advice on the bringing of a private prosecution for assault in the context of a divorce.

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