News Criminal Defence 25th May 2023

Peter Lownds and Neelam Gomersall’s client acquitted of sophisticated conspiracy to supply Class A and B drugs using novel anti-surveillance methods

Their client was said to have played a leading role in a sophisticated organised crime group responsible for distributing multiple kilograms of high-purity cocaine and cannabis across the South of England.

The OCG used new and sophisticated methods of communication using encrypted “GSM interceptor” handsets and “Cloud 9 CLI spoofing sims.” This method, described by the prosecution as “anti-surveillance” and “anti-law enforcement” disguised the true telephone numbers involved in the conspiracy from billing records. Attributing telephone numbers and identifying “spoofed” calls was a complex area of expertise.

The case against their client relied heavily on the attribution of a GSI interceptor handset and Cloud 9 spoofing sims, and the interpretation and evaluation of call data records to identify “spoofed calls” around key events throughout the 6-month conspiracy.

Their client was the only defendant in the trial to be acquitted by the jury of all counts following a 6-week trial at Winchester Crown Court.

Counsel were instructed by Mark Bowen of Shearman Bowen Solicitors.

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