Gavin Irwin contributes to LexisNexis Corporate Crime Analysis, first published by LexisNexis on 16 November 2022.
The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation’s (OFSI) fifth Annual Review (the Review), for the period April 2021 to August 2022, was published on 10 November 2022 and, inevitably, describes much of OFSI’s recent work in reaction to Russia’s second invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022.
What time period does the review cover?
The expanded timeframe of the Review lies outside the financial year (covering April 2021 to August 2022) and is intended to encompass the first six months of the war. In his introduction, Giles Thomson, director of OFSI, states that the:
‘…unprecedented size, scale and complexity of these new sanctions highlight the central role sanctions play in UK foreign, security and economic policy…the implementation of these measures has underlined and significantly intensified the demands on OFSI and will result in a permanent and profound transformation to the way it operates.’
What are the key takeaways from OFSI’s Annual Review for 2021-2022?
Mr Thomson gave evidence before the Treasury Select Committee on 22 June 2022 and, in answers to questions, described how OFSI resources had been increased and were being deployed and, in particular, that staffing had been increased from 45 (in 2021) to approximately 70 (in June 2022) and was expected to grow and to stabilise at around 90 by April 2023. The Review confirms that OFSI expects to have approximately 100 staff by the end of 2022.
International engagement
OFSI is actively involved with the work of multilateral bodies including the UN, EU, G7, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), FATF-style regional bodies and in developing relationships with the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories. Although not mentioned in the Review, on 17 October 2022, OFSI and US Office of Foreign Assets Control issued a joint statement reiterating their close working relationship and explaining the rationale underpinning their co-operation.
Cross-government/public/private sector engagement
OFSI has moved to, ‘a more proactive, evidence-led communications model’, in order to mitigate or avoid the unintended consequences of designations and prohibitions involving:
In addition, cross-government liaison has become increasingly important and OFSI regularly contributes to HM Treasury’s technical assistance unit which assists Overseas Development Aid-eligible countries in meeting the FATF standards.
Between 24 April 2021 and 24 August 2022, OFSI added 1,271 new Russia regime designated persons to the consolidated list. As a consequence, between 22 February 2022 and 20 October 2022, a total of £18.39bn in frozen funds were reported to OFSI—a very significant increase from the previous year (£44.5m).
In the financial year 2020 to 2021, OFSI issued 43 new licences and made 75 amendments across 11 regimes. (In the financial year, 2021 to 2022, OFSI issued 42 new licences and made 107 amendments across nine sanctions regimes).
While the majority of new licences and amendment licences were for the Libya regime, in the first six months since the invasion, OFSI:
The Review makes clear that:
OFSI issued two monetary penalties in the last financial year, both to fintech firms. Most of OFSI’s enforcement action is not publicised and the Review states that, ‘all outcomes help support compliance with financial sanctions’, including warning letters, suggested compliance improvements and the referral of cases to relevant regulators, intended, ‘to promote better practice and behavioural change’.
In 2021 to 2022, OFSI considered 147 reports of suspected financial sanctions breaches (a slight increase from the 132 reports the previous financial year) but the number of cases has an ‘upwards trajectory’ (since the invasion of Ukraine, 236 breach reports have been received).
New powers granted to OFSI
During this review period, on 15 June 2022, the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022 came into force which granted OFSI additional powers, namely:
These have yet to bed in.
The year ahead
In the year ahead, in addition to continuing and enhancing the co-operation and co-ordination described above, OFSI states that it will develop a ‘Licensing Strategy’ involving: increased resourcing for its general licensing function, the strategic development of the use of general licences (the creation of one General Licence is likely to free-up a considerable proportion of the resources currently tied-up in considering individual applications), the consideration of whether new licensing grounds and policies are needed and updating licensing processes and systems.
Whether the extraordinary number of designations continues apace in 2023 remains to be seen but given Mr Thomson’s statement to the Select Committee, in June 2022, that a number of Russia cases were ‘in the pipeline’, an upturn in civil penalties and potentially criminal prosecutions is predicted.
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