News Inquests & Public Inquiries 10th Jan 2020

IICSA publishes report on Children Outside the UK

The Report covers the second phase of IICSA’s Children Outside the UK investigation, in which the following topics were examined: (i) the use of civil orders to prevent foreign travel by individuals known to the UK authorities to pose a risk to children; (ii) the use of section 72 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 to prosecute individuals for child sexual offences committed abroad; and (iii) the operation of the statutory disclosure and barring regime in the recruitment of individuals to be based abroad.

Recommendations are aimed at providing a more coherent national strategy on these issues, making better use of the travel restriction regime, and enhancing the Disclosure and Barring Service scheme by extending its geographical reach to work with children overseas and making it mandatory in certain circumstances.

The Report is available here.

Julia Faure Walker was junior counsel to the Inquiry for this investigation phase.

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