News Professional Discipline 6th Feb 2019

Michael Rawlinson Successful in Misconduct Defence of Detective Inspector

Michael Rawlinson has successfully defended a Detective Inspector who faced allegations of gross misconduct.

The officer faced dismissal, having been accused of two historic allegations of serious domestic violence against another serving police officer.

Following a two-week contested hearing, the allegations were dismissed by the panel in their entirety. The case involved over 40 witnesses, many of whom were senior serving police officers.

The case also involved complex legal arguments concerning delay, abuse of process, the Police (Conduct) Regulations and the Police Reform Act 2002. Michael was able to identify various serious failures by the force, including a failure to refer the case to the IOPC.

Michael is a member of the Professional Discipline Team, and regularly acts for police officers of all ranks across the country in misconduct, criminal and inquest proceedings.

He was instructed in this case by Andy Cave of Hunt and Coombs solicitors, Peterborough.

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