Regulatory Crime Newsletter
Welcome to a Special Edition of 2 Hare Court’s Regulatory Crime Newsletter.
Our Criminal Regulatory team held its annual Health & Safety seminar in Manchester at the beginning of the month on the latest issues concerning practitioners in the field. Our thanks to all for attending and making the event such a great success.
We would also like to express our gratitude to all of those who acted as referees for the 2017/18 editions of both legal directories. Whilst we eagerly await the result for Chambers & Partners, we would like to thank those of you who took the time to provide feedback for The Legal 500, ensuring that we were ranked as a ‘Leading Set’ for Health & Safety for the 2nd year in a row.
This special edition of the newsletter contains some of our speakers’ notes from that seminar.
Chris Gillespie examines the recent Court of Appeal case of R v Rose [2017] EWCA Crim 1168 and the issues it raises in relation to gross negligence manslaughter from a Health & Safety perspective.
Michael Hayton QC considers the current Sentencing Council’s draft Guidelines for the offence of Manslaughter and the likely increase in the level of sentencing in Health & Safety cases.
In the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy Alex Tampakopoulos considers the differences in scope between a Public Inquiry and an Inquest.
And finally, Jonathan Laidlaw QC gives a masterclass in cross-examining expert witnesses.
As always, we welcome feedback and suggestions for future editions. Please do forward this newsletter to any colleagues who may be interested. They will be able to subscribe to future editions themselves by clicking here
We do hope that you find the edition of interest.
Chris Gillespie:
Michael Hayton QC:
Alex Tampakopoulos:
Jonathan Laidlaw QC:
Categories: Newsletters