Tom Day Represents Independent Hospital at Inquest into the Death of a 77-year Old Man
Tom Day represented Abbey Court Independent Hospital at an inquest into the death of a 77-year old patient suffering from dementia.
The inquest held before the Senior Coroner of Cheshire and a jury lasted one week. The deceased arrived at the hospital and soon began to lose weight rapidly as a result of refusing food and fluids.
The case involved complex issues including the medical cause of death and the pathological definition of starvation. The Court also heard from two expert independent psychiatrists about the consequences of dementia upon appetite, the potential alternatives for artificial nutrition and the appropriateness of any such treatment. In addition the case considered complex areas of law and medical practice in particular sections under the Mental Health Act 1983, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, consent, capacity and best interests decisions.
The jury returned a conclusion of ‘Natural Causes’.
Tom was instructed by Sarah Price of BLM.
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