News Business Crime & Financial Services 6th Jun 2016

Angus Bunyan Prosecutes Defence Firm Directors Who Bribed US Businessman to Land a £5m Military Supply Deal

Angus Bunyan appeared at the Old Bailey on Friday to prosecute Simon Davies and Robert Gillam of Mondial Defence Systems. In 2009, the two directors wired almost $200,000 to the off-shore bank account of American businessman Robert Gannon to secure a £5m contract to supply US and British forces in Afghanistan with bomb disposal equipment.

Gannon was caught by the FBI last year, admitted taking the bribes and agreed to assist the UK authorities to prosecute the other men.

Gillam and Davies both admitted an offence contrary to the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906. The pair are yet to be sentenced, but Judge Anuja Dhir QC noted that “an immediate custodial sentence is inevitable.”

Angus has substantial experience of cases involving bribery, corruption and serious fraud, see his other recent cases here.


Angus Bunyan


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